
How can we help?

On Board provides a wide range of advisory and support services to Boards (and the Executive Leadership) of public bodies which can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your organisation. These services include:

Board Evaluations

On Board has been undertaking and facilitating Board evaluations for many years across a wide range of organisations and sectors.  Our focus is on adding value and providing practical recommendations where we identify areas for improvement.

There are four distinctive features that make our Board evaluations so successful:

Interactive:  The majority of time during interviews, Board workshops etc. is spent by Directors reviewing the effectiveness of the Board against a best practice shade card and highlighting areas where the Board can improve and make a greater impact. Our Board evaluations are not 'done to' an organisation but rather combine the often subjective views of Directors (and others) with the objective professional input from On Board to deliver a robust assessment resulting in a practical and deliverable Action Plan for improvement.

Practical and tailored: In facilitating the discussion and undertaking interviews etc, we bring our practical experience of working with other Boards to challenge and stimulate, provide examples of best practice and what has worked/not worked in other similar organisations.

Outcomes-focused: We constantly bring Directors (and others) back to the question: and what can you do to improve?  We ensure that the Board does not spend too much time on obstacles and problems but focuses on what the Board can do better.

Balanced:  There is a tendency for Board evaluations to focus excessively or even exclusively on areas where the Board is not performing well and where there is scope for improvement.  However, it is also important to identify and highlight areas where the Board is performing well.  A balanced assessment of the Board's performance and effectiveness - strengths as well as weaknesses - makes it more likely that the Board will accept and commit to implementing the recommendations for improvement.

Board Member appraisal systems:  On Board also specialises in developing and implementing Board Member/Director appraisal systems

Audit Committees and Risk

  • Undertaking reviews of Audit and Risk Assurance Committee effectiveness and evaluations to ensure compliance with sector guidance and best practice
  • Reviewing the effectiveness of Internal Audit Services, including compliance with the Public Sector Internal Audit Standards
  • Reviewing the effectiveness of Risk Management arrangements and compliance with best practice
  • Facilitating Risk Review and Risk Appetite workshops
  • Developing and implementing Risk Assurance Frameworks

How Good Is Your Governance?

Use our Governance Improvement Tool to benchmark your governance arrangements against best practice and generate an instant Report and Action Plan for improvement.

Watch this short video of Professor Frank Clark CBE the well-known governance expert, explaining how the Governance Improvement Tool works and the 5 simple steps that you can take today to improve your governance.

Interested in finding out more?

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